Pedagoginen ammattiuransa alusta varhaiskasvattajana
6 days ago
Vacant position for early childhood educator in the City of Espoo's daycare center Majurinkulma is now open. We are looking for a professional with experience in implementing early childhood education and working together with other employees in the daycare unit.
Your responsibilities:You will be responsible for planning, implementing and evaluating the activities of your group. In collaboration with other early childhood educators, you will ensure that children are considered individually. It is also important to participate in the broader discussions about education in Espoo.
The Majurinkulma daycare has six different groups. You can express a wish to work in a group with a certain age range from September 2025 onwards.
Based on statements by professionals, it becomes clear that we are an open and positive daycare center. A pleasant atmosphere, individual encounters with children and considerations of their needs are essential factors for us. Our staff combines strong professionalism and understanding of the importance of early childhood education.
We value humor, diversity and small group activities at our daycare center. It is also important that each employee can utilize their skills and feel valued in their work.
Espoo, Uusimaa, Finland Espoon kaupunki - Esbo stad - City of Espoo Full timeHei varhaiskasvatuksen ammattilainen, haluatko kehittyä työyhteisössä, jossa arvo ja ymmärrys ovat keskeisiä?Tule Espooseen rakentamaan positiivista ja lapset huomioon ottavaa varhaiskasvatusta! Päiväkodissamme on 6 eri ryhmää. Työskentelet tulevana toimintavuotena 1-3 vuotiaiden lasten ryhmässä.Olemme kokeileva, keskusteleva ja positiivinen...